July is National Blueberry Month. What better way to celebrate than with some fun, creative recipes that go beyond the standard blueberry muffins, blueberry pie, blueberry scones, etc. Whether you pick ’em yourself or buy them fresh or frozen, blueberries are the bomb. Not only are they delicious, but they are packed with antioxidants, fiber and Vitamin C. We’ve gone ahead and hand-picked some creative blueberry recipes
Should Kids Have Smartphones?
Our kids have never known a life without cell phones. It seems everyone has one, and kids are getting them at younger and younger ages. While being able to keep in touch with your kids is invaluable, there are drawbacks as well. Smartphones, their monthly fees and many accessories are expensive. And by giving your child a phone, you’re not just giving them a way to
5 Proven Steps to Make Money on Facebook
Chances are, you have probably sold or purchased something on Craigslist over the last couple of years. I used Craigslist ads hundreds of times to resell unneeded toys, clothing items and even a few pieces of furniture. Lately, though, Craigslist has become harder to use. Spam is rampant, emails sometimes don’t make it to your inbox and the sheer volume of posts means your items don’t
Child Modeling for Fun and for Profit
Think your baby or child is cute enough to be a model? So did I – which is why I got both my kids into modeling and acting at an early age. I figured they were young enough not to feel pressured by unrealistic beauty standards and would be able to earn a few bucks for college. Here’s my two cents on breaking in, staying
Big Changes are Coming to Bargain Babe!
A heads up to our loyal readers that we are doing some work on the site tomorrow, so things may look a little wonky for a few hours. But we are making improvements that will hopefully make your Bargain Babe experience better than ever! Thanks in advance for your patience.
How to Give to Your Favorite Causes without Spending Time or Money
Who wouldn’t like to give more? Sometimes when I am feverishly hunting for a bargain, it occurs to me that I could be applying that energy toward something a little more humanitarian. A smart shopper, however, knows that it’s possible to do both. How would you like to donate to your favorite causes just by going about your regular shopping? Whether you’re shopping online, in brick and
6 Healthy, Kid Friendly Treats for Parties or just Everyday Snacks!
Recently, my daughter’s school declared that parents are no longer allowed to bring in the typical birthday party treats: cupcakes, donuts, or birthday cake. This left me with the challenge of finding healthy, yet fun alternatives. I really wanted to come up with something creative – yet easy and affordable – to make her school birthday celebration special. Here are some of the ideas I
Does the Fitbit Actually Help You Lose Weight? You Might Be Surprised!
Fitbits are all the rage now – you can buy them at your local Costco, and Walmart sells them for as low as $69.00. Higher priced models go for over $200. Fans of the Fitbit have said it’s made them “addicted to exercise.” But if your goal is to lose weight, does the Fitbit really work? Is it worth its price? This is my Fitbit experience.
How to Fight Fine Lines and Wrinkles Like a Pro
I started using facial lotion with sunscreen and foundation with sunscreen when I was 22 years old. I’ve never smoked. Seldom drink. I began using Retin-A occasionally when I was in my 20s for acne. So I always assumed I’d be able to keep wrinkles at bay… but that’s not been the case. Pregnancy, time and hormone changes have brought wrinkles to my face and
Easy Gardening with AeroGarden: No Need for a Green Thumb
The first time I saw an AeroGarden on an infomercial, I admit I was skeptical. Despite years in high school working at a gorgeous plant nursery, I seem to inevitably kill any plants I take under my care. Undaunted, I always plant a little something every spring and, without exception, all of my gardening experiments have ultimately failed. (My theory is that the children are
Worth Every Penny: Organic Fruits and Vegetables
Okay, so they cost more. Significantly more. As much as I love cutting corners, there are some things I won’t skimp on. Is it possible to eat organic on a budget? And if we eat fruits and vegetables contaminated with pesticides, what is the real price we are paying? Don’t skimp when it comes to harmful pesticides.
10 Frugal Cooking Blogs That Will Keep Your Grocery Bill Under Control
In my ideal world I would buy groceries without any regard for price. I would buy only the highest quality products and I would happily pay for exotic (read: expensive) ingredients. In reality, I’m a lot more careful. A grocery budget can quickly spin out of control, and while coupons and sales are great ways to save money, it also pays to focus on recipes that are inherently frugal.
8 Creative Ways to Use Marshmallow Peeps
Marshmallow Peeps are ubiquitous this time of year. But they’re not just for filling Easter baskets anymore. You can craft with them, cook with them, or make your own diorama like this one featuring the GOPeep and Democratic parties debating it out (L-R: Anderbun Cooper, Bunny Sanders, Hoppity Clinton, Donald Trumpeep and Egg Cruz). 8 Creative Uses for Marshmallow Peeps.
The Value of Friendship
Amy and I met at summer camp when we were kids, not much older than my daughter is now. I was shy and introverted, she was outgoing and popular. But somehow, we became – and stayed – friends over the years. Even though our lives took different paths, there was still a connection. Today, I found out Amy lost her year-long battle with cancer. I
5 Things My Kids Have Cost Me
I’ll be honest, I don’t have the easiest kids. My sister has been known to say, “God made them cute so we won’t kill them.” Which is certainly true in my case, though they may kill each other first. While I suspect that they do (secretly) love each other, and of course I love and adore them, parenting, from my perspective, is not for the
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