Are you a fan of the mystical, mythical, magical creatures known as unicorns? We’ve assembled the most rainbow-riffic, DIY unicorn-themed recipes and merchandise to make all your unicorn dreams come true. Read and you will believe. Unicorn marshmallow pops. Make the world more magical with this recipe from The Decorated Cookie. What you need: marshmallows, lollipop sticks, white candy melts, EZ Thins candy melts, white fondant, gold pearl
Has the Fidget Spinner Craze Gone Too Far?
Fidget spinners are all the rage – we’ve got a half dozen in our house alone. Online people are posting pictures of their disinterested pets staring at spinning fidget toys. And on the news today, there was an entire feature dedicated to fidget spinners. But how much is too much? Proof that fidget spinners are inescapable. 1. Fidget spinner nail art. Yes, this is a real
6 Cheap and Easy Summer Boredom Busters for Kids
My kids have been out of school for all of 4 days and they are already bored. Sound familiar? Need some inexpensive boredom busters? Look no further! We’ve found some fun ways your kids can get busy and creative this summer. Here are 6 Ways to Keep Your Kids Entertained.
8 Creative Ways to Use Marshmallow Peeps
Marshmallow Peeps are ubiquitous this time of year. But they’re not just for filling Easter baskets anymore. You can craft with them, cook with them, or make your own diorama like this one featuring the GOPeep and Democratic parties debating it out (L-R: Anderbun Cooper, Bunny Sanders, Hoppity Clinton, Donald Trumpeep and Egg Cruz). 8 Creative Uses for Marshmallow Peeps.
How To Monetize Your Cat’s Internet Fame
You’ve been posting your cat’s photos on Instagram, Facebook and other social media sites. You’ve uploaded videos to YouTube. You’ve established a following. But so far, this hobby has cost you time and money and you’d like to make a little something back to pay for your expenses…and maybe turn this hobby into a career. How to turn your cat’s Internet success into a money-making
8 Wickedly Good Halloween Sweet Treats
Halloween food is frighteningly fun for the whole family, whether you’re whipping up healthy concoctions or silly sweet treats. Having a Halloween party? Bringing something to your kid’s school? Wow the crowd with these easy-to-make recipes. 8 Easy Halloween Sweet Treats
8 Healthy Halloween Treats for Your Little Spooks
Halloween is a time when sugary sweets are everywhere and almost unavoidable. Why not counteract all that white, bleached sugar with some healthy Halloween alternatives that are just as fun? With more and more schools encouraging healthy substitutions for parties, now’s the time to Trick your kids into some healthy Treats. Here are 8 Healthy Halloween Treats.
The Ten Item Wardrobe: Simplify Your Closet & Your Life
I recently saw the Ted Talk: The Ten Item Wardrobe while reading a blog post on Money Saving Mom. I have to admit, that when I first read the title I was a little skeptical. A ten item wardrobe…what!? I have more than ten bathing suits! But, after watching the video my perception changed. Maybe a ten item wardrobe could lead to a simpler life?
25 Crazy Uses for Easter Peeps
Love them or loathe them, Peeps are everywhere this time of year. Gritty to the taste, they are more than just “food.” They are perfect for crafts and decorating your table as well as your desserts. And best of all, they are cheap! (Or should I say, “cheep!”) Some of these suggestions are 100% legit, others are just for fun. Can you tell the difference? Does it matter?
Trying on Clothes in a Pizza Parlor: Bargain Babe Gets Extreme Savings
Yesterday I did something to save money that made me uncomfortable – which is saying a lot. I have dumpster dived, switched to cloth wipes, and refused to spend a penny for an entire month. And now, this.
What Crazy White Yogis Taught Me About Money
I went to the most bizarre yoga class that taught me more about life and money than anything I can think of. I knew the class was going to be unusual from the second I walked into the studio. Everyone was dressed entirely in white – more than two dozen men and women. I could leave. But why not stay and see what happens, I thought?