When you receive your first student loan bill, it’s a serious wake-up call to adulthood. You’ll likely need to rein in spending and adopt more frugal habits in order to pay off your student loan debt. Here’s how: Try the 50/30/20 budget Start your budget off with the 50/30/20 rule for your after-tax income — 50% for necessities, 30% on wants, and 20% on
5 Proven Steps to Make Money on Facebook
Chances are, you have probably sold or purchased something on Craigslist over the last couple of years. I used Craigslist ads hundreds of times to resell unneeded toys, clothing items and even a few pieces of furniture. Lately, though, Craigslist has become harder to use. Spam is rampant, emails sometimes don’t make it to your inbox and the sheer volume of posts means your items don’t
Child Modeling for Fun and for Profit
Think your baby or child is cute enough to be a model? So did I – which is why I got both my kids into modeling and acting at an early age. I figured they were young enough not to feel pressured by unrealistic beauty standards and would be able to earn a few bucks for college. Here’s my two cents on breaking in, staying
7 Smart Ways to Visit Disney on a Budget
Just about every family dreams of going to one of the Disney parks someday. After all, it’s the happiest place on earth. But that happiness doesn’t come cheap. If you are planning a trip to Disneyland, Walt Disney World, or Disney Cruise Line, you likely have experienced a bit of sticker shock. But don’t assume that it’s completely out of reach. Here are some proven
Make Money Off Your Inventions – These People Did!
Jennifer Lawrence recently played Joy Mangano in the movie ‘Joy.” You may know some of Joy’s inventions like the Miracle Mop and Huggable Hangers. Her story is inspiring because she was a divorced mother raising three children while working a variety of jobs when she came up with the idea for a better mop, simply to make her own life easier. Now she has a estimated net
How To Monetize Your Cat’s Internet Fame
You’ve been posting your cat’s photos on Instagram, Facebook and other social media sites. You’ve uploaded videos to YouTube. You’ve established a following. But so far, this hobby has cost you time and money and you’d like to make a little something back to pay for your expenses…and maybe turn this hobby into a career. How to turn your cat’s Internet success into a money-making
How to Sell on Etsy for Fun and for Profit
For years, I’ve loved shopping on Etsy. I’ve bought all kinds of terrific handmade items – from jewelry to clothing to prints that hang in my office. And for years, I’ve thought about selling on Etsy. After all, who couldn’t use some extra income? We have boxes of beautiful handmade stationery designed by a relative who passed away. We thought a great way to honor
How to Make Money with Your Blog
You are a savvy blogger: you started your blog and were able to cut your costs wherever you could; you did the website design yourself instead of paying a designer, and what’s more, when in search for the best web hosting you were able to find a reliable provider that was reasonably priced. Finally, so far you have managed to stick to a regular posting schedule
Have Fun, Travel, and Save Money All While Crowdfunding
Crowdfunding is an incredible concept. You ask your friends, family, and community for money – and they give it to you! Crowdfunding has transformed lives, made dreams come true, and raised money for earnest causes across the globe. Until recently, it was mainly used for business causes and other noble social causes like raising funds for medical expenses. Today, with an aim of saving personal
Write a Blog People Will Read
Want to start a blog? Need to start one to promote your business? More than 152 million blogs already exist. How do you make yours stand out? You could just buy a domain, monetize it and start scribbling on the virtual screen. Maybe you’ll luck out and go viral. No, you won’t. To be worth following, you’ve got to be worth reading. A strong blog can add revenue
Find $1,080 In One Simple Step
Are you contributing to your 401k at work? If not, you are throwing away money – and I mean money that your employer WANTS to give you. Think of it as a yearly bonus on top of your salary that is just waiting for you. This bonus could be as much as $1,080. That’s a lot of free money! I call it your 401k bonus and
What Crazy White Yogis Taught Me About Money
I went to the most bizarre yoga class that taught me more about life and money than anything I can think of. I knew the class was going to be unusual from the second I walked into the studio. Everyone was dressed entirely in white – more than two dozen men and women. I could leave. But why not stay and see what happens, I thought?
Make More Money: My Surprising Side Hustle
This year I’m focused on getting rid of clutter and why not do it to make more money? Yes folks, I’m selling stuff, a LOT of stuff, on Craigslist. My goal, inspired by Budgets are Sexy, is to post one item a week, on average. I’m also posting my sales on a local Facebook group dedicated to selling and swapping (there may well be one near
MySoapBox: Cash for Surveys!
Register for a MySoapBox account to share your opinion and accumulate points that can be redeemed for prizes and gift cards for stores like Bath & Body Works, CVS, Lowes, Chili’s, and more.
Flipping Houses 101 – Advice from a Pro
When my sister, Roselyn Romberg, sold her house a couple of years ago, she did some major renovations on it first. This ignited her interest in flipping houses. She’d had the experience of giving her house a makeover and selling it for a profit. She had some money left over to invest in another property. And she now had a list of contractors and workers