Free apps to make life easier, prettier and more fun!
Have you ever paid for an app? I haven’t. Almost weekly, I hear friends and colleagues talk about a new app they purchased for $.99, or $2.99 or even $10.99! I refuse to whip out my wallet when there are so many amazing free apps out there – most of them you’ve never heard of. With over 2 million available, how could you catch them all? Whether it’s fitness, music, shopping, driving or keeping in touch, the free apps on my phone and tablet are what help get me through the day.
Five of the best free apps you won’t stop talking about
1. Key Ring: If frequent shopper or rewards cards are weighing down your keychain, this is the app for you! Key Ring is a convenient way to collect and store that info in one place. Just simply scan the barcodes of your cards or enter in your membership number and instantly upload to the app for easy access. The app even sends you deals from local stores based on GPS. iOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry
2. Eyewitness: Showcasing the world’s most beautiful photographs, Eyewitness provides a daily, visual reflection of global events which appear in the center spread of The Guardian newspaper each day. In one word, this app is STUNNING. iOS iPad only
3. Pocket: Ever come across an article, video, Twitter story or recipe that you want to look at later? Instead of having to email yourself the link or bookmark the site, Pocket stores all of your “save for later” items on one place. Once saved to Pocket, the list of content is visible on any device — phone, tablet or computer. It can be viewed while waiting in line, on the couch, during commutes or travel — even offline. iOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry
4. VSCO Cam: By Visual Supply Company, VSCO Cam is an easy, gorgeous way to shoot, edit and share your photographs. By using this app, pictures you take on your phone will look professional and artistic with innovative processing technology and tools. Sharing via social media is easy, and your friends won’t believe you shot the photo with your phone. Use #vscocam to connect to the community. iOS, Android
5. eBay: You’ve obviously heard of eBay, but have you used their app? Upon downloading, there’s a good chance you won’t go near the eBay website again. The app is fast, has great saved searches (which flag new finds), and enables you to create listings. I’ve been selling clothes on eBay all winter from my phone – enter in a few details, snap a couple of photos and BOOM! I’m making money. iOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry
I love Duolingo. Its an app that can help you learn a new language and its FREE! My 3 kids ages 10,7 and 5 have sharpened their Spanish all because of that app.
@Amanda That’s awesome! I’m going to tell my sister about it – she and her infant are learning Spanish together.
Maybe I can get my kids started on SPanish as well and I can dust off my espanol as well. Thanks so much for this rec!
I use the Pinterest app the most.
@Christina Ellis I have that Pinterest app on my phone but hardly ever use it. i’d like to repin more great ideas to the BB page, just need to get in the habit while I have a few minutes here and there.
I use Trip Cubby to record my mileage for taxes. It’s so easy. And free!
@Robin Ohh! I need this. I was so bad at tracking my business mileage last year. Thanks for the rec!
That Key Ring one sounds great. I have way too many of those key ring cards. I do worry about the one time my phone battery is dead and I need to purchase something, but one visit to the store without the card may be worth the risk to avoid the clunky keys. Thanks for the great list!
@Leonard I’m with you. I have WAY too make key ring cards. And I can never find the one I am looking for.
Love your blog!
I’m not sure if your aware of this app, but I have recently stumbled upon it and its frugal heaven! Its called checkout 51, a FREE app that has a collection of coupons, you take a picture of a item bought on your receipt and if any of the coupons are valid for an item you can select that coupon and your savings come as a cheque in the mail once the amount is large enough!
@Lauren Thanks so much for the tip!!! Sounds like a great app.