Whether you use a little calming lavender to help you sleep or a dab of tea tree oil for natural cleaner, the uses for essential oils are practically endless. The reality is that oils can be practical, therapeutic and also indulgently luxurious at the same time! Remember, each one is unique and should be used with knowledge and care, so I recommend checking Rocky Mountain Oils for some excellent safety guidelines and tips. All natural doesn’t mean innocuous, these oils are concentrated and potent! Over the past few months I’ve really come to love the oils I use on a daily basis and have been searching for some great ways of passing them along to friends and family.
Fortunately, the popularity and availability of these potent little bottles is practically exploding in the gift market this holiday season. Beyond the basics of lemon oil and diffusers, I have found some unique gifts that I can’t wait to order for the holidays this year. Some of these little gems take oils from pragmatic to simply fun!
Necklaces: My first oil necklace was a locket style, like this. My necklace came with multiple leather discs so that the scent could be easily changed and refilled. It’s lovely having the opportunity to change based on need or mood and I especially enjoyed carrying the scents around with me as I have given up perfume due to sensitivity. If you are looking for something a little less showy, these lava bead versions make a great simple statement (and would go with almost any outfit). My ten year old twins love their Cinderella coach style diffuser necklaces and they are ridiculously affordable. Even more necklace options can be found here!
Education: If you are interested in giving the gift of essential oil education or just learning more for yourself, check out Essential Oils and Aromatherapy or the Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy which is considered a must-have.
Earrings: My friend Jessica suggested that leather earrings are also perfect for absorbing oils and I absolutely love everything about this casual style. A little of a favorite oil on some nice light boho-style earrings would make the perfect gift. More options can be found on Etsy! For a more traditional earring, this silver and black pair uses lava beads to diffuse your oil of choice.
Bracelets: I’ve been wanting a leather cuff for a while, and now that I realize they are great for wearing oils, this is moving to the top of my wish list. This cute trendy braided version is only $7.99 or you can find a more unisex option here. A child-size version in a simple braided style can be found here! If you are looking for a pop of color check out this beauty! There are also locket style diffuser bracelets available as well.
Aromatherapy Play Dough: Here’s a great idea for kids that can be a DIY holiday activity for your family or a fun gift. Check out the recipe at the Prairie Homestead.
Diffusers: We can’t mention EOs without discussing diffusers. Arguably the best way of absorbing the benefits of oils, diffusers are also a natural alternative to scenting your home (thank goodness we’ve moved on from offensive artificially scented sprays. My asthma is so grateful). I think this Clay diffuser is just adorable and would work great in office environments where an electric diffuser isn’t necessarily acceptable. I can personally recommend this small diffuser as a great budget alternative that can be quite a workhorse. We’ve been using it constantly for weeks with great results!
Supplies: If you are shopping for someone who is already an experienced oil user, try giving them a gift of supplies to feed their addiction, ….errrr, habit. Accessories, storage containers, glass spray bottles, and DIY kits for cleaning are a great place to start! If they are really hard-core, they might appreciate a bottle opener specifically designed for those teeny stubborn bottles.
Car Diffusers: I can’t imagine a better place to use the cleansing power of oils than my constantly abused, cluttered mini-van. Although there are plug-in diffusers available for cars, I had trouble finding one with great reviews (if anyone has a recommendation, please offer it!). I did find this clip-on locket which I think would be a fantastic solution. Or you could always try the clothespin option we mentioned here as a budget version to combat the mini-van smell.
Stuffed Animals: I love the idea of stuffed animals that can double as a therapeutic heating pad! Amazon has several available and Plant Therapy has just released a cute line of plush animals as well. I have also personally used oils on this theraputic bear and I love that it is machine washable.
I’m running out of space, but there are so many more great gifts for essential oil newbies or pros. Pre-diluted roller blends, personal inhalers, ornaments, holiday scents, keychains, bath bombs, and so many more! Have you found the perfect “oily” gift this season? Please share with me in the comments!
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Years ago I had a terra cotta diffuser in my car that worked great until I had my car serviced. It somehow got broken. I had purchased it at a fair of some sort before such things were “in”. I suppose one of the larger diffusing pieces of jewelry would work although would need redosing pretty often in warmer temps.