A reader named Estela wrote in with a spending conundrum that I have no idea how to answer.
“I was wondering, do you have anything regarding how to frugally heat up your pool? We don’t want to use our heater & we just don’t know if there are any other options out there other than the $20 solar rings. You need about 8-10 to cover a small-med sized pool. I look forward to reading about this in your site. Thanks!”
If Estela bought 10 $20 heating rings she would spend $200. Do you have any cheaper solutions? How about throwing sun-heated rocks into the pool? Or covering it with sheets of black plastic, which absorb a lot of sunlight (similar to how solar showers work)? Funneling the hot air from your dryer into the pool?
Here is what readers suggest:
Laura says:
I use a solar blanket. You can get them at Lowe’s for around $60, depending on the size of your pool. My pool is covered right now and it is at a nice 90 degrees, just the way we like it. A roller makes it much easier for covering and uncovering. I would definitely invest in the roller too.
Harvey says:
There are several choices. The “Solar Pill” dispenses a liquid that covers the pool which reduces evaporation. This does two thing – it saves water and it saves heat lost from evaporation. A second option is to buy a 100 foot black garden hose, laying it out next to the pool and sending the pool water through it. It will heat up. If you need more heat, buy another hose. You can stick the hose into a water outlet or you can just use the siphon technique.
Susan says:
I too used to have a solar blanket, worked great. Our pool now is older and needs to be re-plastered so it tends to get algae. Our pool man said if we use anything like a solar blanket or solar rings out algae problem would be out of control.
David says:
I was advised that the BLACK garden hose should do the trick. You might have to have a spigot installed in your system to connect the hose. You can just let the other end drain into the pool. It was suggested to “snake” the hose back and forth to get more exposure in a smaller area. If convenient, place the hose on the roof to keep it clear of your deck. Run the water pump during the day. BTW, to cool down your pool (a problem here in Southern CA) run the water pump at night! Also, if you are re-plastering the pool, a DARK color will absorb more heat than the typical white.
Dan shared two video tutorials that use a solar heat pump to heat your pool:
You could build a solar water heater that uses the pool pump for circulation.
http://www.doityourself.com/stry/doityourself-solar-pool-heater/ (this one is even easier)
Carrie Kube says:
Do NOT buy the solar rings. We invested $200 last summer and it was a waste of money. The solar blankets are about $75 each and they work really well. It’s easier to remove from the pool if you cut them up into a few smaller pieces instead of covering the pool with one piece. If your pool gets close to 90 degrees that is when you can have algea problems, so just monitor the temperature and remove the cover if it’s getting too warm.
Kelly K says:
Before my dad decided to get rid of his pool, he used 2 methods to heat his. He had a solar cover. He also set up a solar panel system so that as the water went through the filter it went through the panels to heat up. His pool was never below 85 degrees.
Pam says:
Definitely not cheap, but investing in solar heating for my pool 5 years ago was the best thing I ever did. I use my pool from the about the first week of May through almost all of October.
Ben says:
If you heat your pool with natural gas, it is most efficient to turn on the heater and set the temp and leave it all summer. Solar works well but is costly. Covers work, will raise the temp about 10 degrees but are hard to remove and make the pool dirty. Algae grows for only one reason, not enough chlorine, it is not the cover but the higher temp of the water and the need for more chlorine. Want to save money replace your circulation pump to a variable speed pump. In LA you will save $50 to $100 a month in electricity.
How are you heating your pool this summer?
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I use a solar blanket. You can get them at Lowe’s for around $60, depending on the size of your pool. My pool is covered right now and it is at a nice 90 degrees, just the way we like it. A roller makes it much easier for covering and uncovering. I would definitely invest in the roller too.
There are several choices. The “Solar Pill” dispenses an liquid that covers the pool which reduces evaporation. This does two thing – it saves water and it saves heat lost from evaporation. A second option is to buy a 100 foot black garden hose (about $20), laying it out next to the pool and sending the pool water through it. It will heat up. If you need more heat, buy another hose. You can stick the hose into a water outlet or you can just use the siphon technique.
I too used to have a solar blanket, worked great. Our pool now is older and needs to be re-plastered so it tends to get algae.
Our pool man said if we use anything like a solar blanket or solar rings out algae problem would be out of control.
I was advised that the BLACK garden hose should do the trick. You might have to have a spigot installed in your system to connect the hose. You can just let the other end drain into the pool. It was suggested to “snake” the hose back and forth to get more exposure in a smaller area. If convenient, place the hose on the roof to keep it clear of your deck. Run the water pump during the day. BTW, to cool down your pool (a problem here in Southern CA) run the water pump at night! Also, if you are re-plastering the pool, a DARK color will absorb more heat than the typical white.
Great suggestions so far! Keep ’em coming!!!
We installed about 60 ft. of 1″ black heavy duty PVC outside the fence and circulated the pool water through it and plugged in a time at fifteen minute intervals using a small pump submerged in the pool. It actually is very cheap and usually raises the pool temp up about 3 degrees. Neighbor pool, about same size, temp would be around 80o and mine would be 83o or 84o.
I installed heavy black hoses in a loop fashion out of sight. I connected a regular water hose to the end of the black hoses which then connect to a common fountain pump so water circulates from the pool, through the black hoses and then back into the pool. I control the pump on a timer that allows me to run the pump at fifteen minute intervals during the day and shuts the pump off at night. Everything is automatic. For additional effect I laid the black hoses on a black tarp. This serves two purposes: it generates more heat and it creates a barrier against weed and grass growth.
You could build a solar water heater that uses the pool pump for cicrulation.
This one is even easier
Do NOT buy the solar rings. We invested $200 last summer and it was a waste of money. The solar blankets are about $75 each and they work really well. It’s easier to remove from the pool if you cut them up into a few smaller pieces instead of covering the pool with one piece. If your pool gets close to 90 degrees that is when you can have algea problems, so just monitor the temperature and remove the cover if it’s getting too warm.
We bought the solar rings waste of money.only good thing is they catch some of the leaves from the tree.
Before my dad decided to get rid of his pool, he used 2 methods to heat his. He had a solar cover. He also set up a solar panel system so that as the water went through the filter it went through the panels to heat up. His pool was never below 85 degrees.
Definately not cheap, but investing in solar heating for my pool 5 years ago was the best thing I ever did. I use my pool from the about the first week of May through almost all of October.
If you heat your pool with natural gas, it is most efficient to turn on the heater and set the temp and leave it all summer. Solar works well but is costly. Covers work, will raise the temp about 10 degrees but are hard to remove and make the pool dirty. Algae grows for only one reason not enough chlorine, it is not the cover but the higher temp of the water and the need for more chlorine. Want to save money replace your circulation pump to a variable speed pump. In LA you will save $50 to $100 a month in electricity. See Poolsbyben.com for info. and y-tube viedo. E-mail me any pool question at Ben@poolsbyben.com. We will have the answer. Please go green.
Be cautious of putting anything on your roof, even solar panels. Over time they can cause problems where anything come in contact with the Shingles, causing premature failure resulting in repair and/or roof replacement and voided warranties. If the installer tells you otherwise, have them give you a warranty covering the life of your shingles. Use your head for something more than just a hat rack.
I really like what Kelly K said about her dad using a solar panel system to heat his pool. That is something that my husband and I have been looking into for our pool. We will have to keep this information in mind while we look for a heater that is inexpensive and lasts a long time. Thank you for sharing!
The cheapest method is to not heat it at all, hold your breath and let your body get used to the cold water 😉
Nooooooo I can’t!!!!!!?????
The cheap and easy way is with a Black trash bag. Cut open and lay on top of the water. It really works. I also but a hoola hoop in the trash bag so It stays open when it’s windy. Let the sun do the work!!
Wow, what a simple – and frugal – approach! Thanks for the tip!
We taped 2 $1 pool noodles in a circle and put inside black trash bags making our own “solar rings” for just overt $2 each.
That’s so smart!
That’s so clever I just have to try it now!! Even a couple of degrees would be better than nothing!!Thanks for the tip!!🤣👍☀️💧
Or pool noodles should work too I haven’t tried it yet
Its works great
Solar covers are definitely the way to go. I mean, you can’t beat “free” heat. I mean if it’s so cloudy and cold that a solar cover won’t do the trick and you need to use natural gas or something else to heat your pool, it’s probably too cold to swim anyways. And when it’s that cold, just get in the hot tub if you have one 🙂
Solar rings have worked for me to keep my pool warm. If it isn’t sunny enough to power the rings, it probably isn’t hot enough to swim anyway!
We put black garbage bags on the pool it works GREAT!! $8 POOL HEATER!!
That’s awesome! I love a cheap, easy fix.
Do you use a solar cover as well? I live in NJ and my pool is above ground 18×33. I use the cover at night but it gets to only like 83. I like about 86 so just a few degrees more. Was thinking of gas heater buy hubs doesn’t think we need since the water is fine for him. 😉
Curious if I can put the bags under the solar cover ????
Thanks for sharing
Big black tarp throw in pool tada?
I’ve been looking at using this to heat my pool. It’s a pretty steep upfront cost, but at $15/month operating cost, it’s much cheaper than a heat pump, or gas heater.
I’m gonna go get some bubble wrap and try it, it’s cheap and looks just like the solar lankets they are recommending, don’t know if it will work but I’m gonna find out!!
Hope it works for you! Please report back.
I bought the solar pods last summer .they were pretty that’s it. They didn’t heat the pool at all and were a chore to takeout every time you wanted to swim or clean the pool
Bummer, wish they had worked better for you. Thanks for sharing your experience.
I brought 10 hulahoops from dollar tree. And put each 1 in a black garbage bag and made my own pool solar rjng, in a week it was warm. My pool is pretty deep about 10ft so it takes longer but it works. My kids are swiming withing the 1st 3 days of it being in the pool.
That’s awesome!
Gonna try this. Thanks!
I have a 15 foot above-the-ground pool that I have had for 10 to 12 years. Above the ground pools lose heat very fast in the evenings and on cold days. It is not worth the high-cost of electric or gas heaters. And so we have to be inventive.
I have searched YouTube and every other source that I could think of to find answers to this heating question. I have tried all of the ideas that I have read on this site.
Let me tell you my results.
the only one of these ideas that we have talked about today that are worth the time money and effort. Is the solar heat blanket. It is a definite yes and works well on sunny days. For my 15 foot out of the ground pool it was around $60 and well with it… But don’t stop there continue being inventive.
I have run across some redneck ideas. That are a little bit too redneck for me to use.
But I feel I have a very inventive mind and have come up with some things that do work.
And are still a little bit redneck. If you would like to hear them let me know??
Please share your ideas. Our pool furnace just packed up and can’t afford a new one just now. Our pool is 30ft x 15ft above ground. Deepest part is 6ft.
Thanks sandy
a dark color is not safe for the kids and it defeats the
Watering trough heaters! We have 3 we hang into the pool from a board we put across the corner of our 15’ above ground pool. We were in it before Memorial weekend in Minnesota, which is quite the feat! It cost about $100 on the electric bill to get it there, but now we don’t often need them because we’re further into summer. We also have a solar cover.
I bought 10 hula hoops and taped black construction trash bags to it.. 28ft pool and it works
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