I was so impressed with Julie’s list of 11 celebrity Halloween costumes, that I had to expand upon these awesome ideas! If you’re still looking for a Halloween costume, or not satisfied with your witch get up, get a load of these ideas.
11 in the moment Halloween costumes
1. Olaf, the snowman from Frozen. I’ve heard of three people going as Olaf so far, so my guess is that this costume may be THE hit costume this year. SpiritHalloween.com has a Olaf toddler costume for $30, or you can just buy a hat for $15. Use this coupon to get 20% off one item! It should show up as you check out, but in case it doesn’t, the coupon code is 20OFF2014. Expires Nov. 1, 2014.
==> I also found adult Olaf costumes (this one is size large – other sizes avail. on Amazon) for less than $30, though sizes are already selling out! Olaf really is going to be THE hit costume this year.
2. Nude celebrity photo leak. Pick up a “naked body suit
” or wear super tight, flesh-colored clothing. Draw on large nipples (to accentuate that you are “naked”) and pull on a pair of underwear, bikini bottoms, or hot glue a cluster of leaves down there. Do your hair and makeup in dramatic fashion – you are a celebrity after all. I’m not sure it matters which celebrity you are, though Jennifer Lawrence is the biggest name associated with this scandal.
3. Hong Kong protestors. Inject a dose of politics into your Halloween by dressing up as a Hong Kong protestor. Grab a ragged pair of jeans and a T-shirt, then make a protest sign that says “Chinese colonists get out!” OR “Real Hong Konger against Communist!” OR “We need real democracy!” I got all of these protest slogans from google images of actual Hong Kong protests! You could also do a sign in Cantonese (or one side English and the other side Cantonese). Here is a translator to learn the written signs.
4. Elsa or Anna from Frozen. Indulge your princess fantasies with an Elsa or Anna costume. HalloweenExpress.com has an Anna costume for $50 (both her regular dress and her inauguration dress). The price is $10 more than I saw on other sites – but the other sites were sold out! Ship to your nearest store for free shipping, and join the email list for another coupon. (Offer will pop up when you visit the site.)
5. Downtown Abbey cast as zombies. Look forward to the fourth season of Downtown Abbey, the hit PBS show about the tangled lives of a wealthy British family and their extremely un-wealthy servants. Add a Halloween twist by going as zombies! Get a load of inspiration from these Pinterest images. The easiest costume to put together involves a fancy wool overcoat, a delicate hat, and long gloves. The rest is attitude – and having a butler following you around won’t hurt!
6. Canonized pope. Earlier this year Pope John Paul II and John XXIII were canonized. Grab a white sheet for the cloak, wear white pants underneath, and craft a small white headpiece. Secure with a bobby pin. Don’t forget to strap a massive gold cross around your neck. Wave gently and bless everyone. Major bonus points if you can reconstruct the pope mobile!
7. John Oliver. The sassy British host’s new show “Last Night Tonight with John Oliver” has taken off. He has dark brown hair so you may need a quick dye job. See his bio here. Pull on a business suit and tie, pick up a pair of black plastic glasses, and speak in your best British accent. KEY: Make sure you style your bangs into a look that says “I let my little sister trim them.” Seriously, John, your bangs are too short. I’m embarrassed for you.

Via Shutterstock
8. German World Cup soccer players. Be a winner! Luckily, the winning German World Cup soccer team jersey’s are easy to make (or you can always buy one – Amazon has them for $99 and up). Start with a somewhat fitted white V-neck T-shirt. With a giant black sharpie, draw three black stripes from the collar to just past your shoulder. Draw another black circle at the cuff on either arm. Draw another thick black stripe around the entire V-neck opening. Now switch to red. Across the upper chest, draw a gentle V from either shoulder in toward your breast bone with just a slight dip. Tape on the Addidas and World Cup logo, add your own number.
9. Ryan Gosling, Eva Mendez, and their new baby. Earlier this month the couple had a baby girl named Esmeralda Amada Gosling. Vogue has the scoop.

Via Shutterstock
10. Vladimir Putin. Dress in your fanciest black or dark suit. Comb over your hair. Do not smile. At all. Walk up to people and, in a heavy Russian accent, say things like “I like your hat. I take it.” OR go as sporty Putin. Dress in dark green fishing pants, go shirtless, don a green fishing hat, and carry a fishing pole. You are Putin showing off his pecs. See pics here.
11. TV star. Still looking for inspiration? Go a a star of one of these top TV shows from 2014.
BONUS 12. Workout barbie. If you’re blond or have a blond wig you can run wild with a Barbie costume. But workout Barbie is pretty easy to do. You’ll need a head to toe aqua or turquoise spandex workout suit, a pink belt and small pink purse or bag, with rainbow stripped leg warmers that go mostly up to your knee. (Stripped socks will do in a pinch.)
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