Robbing is definitely on my list of what I won’t do to save money! via Shutterstock
This is a post by staff writer Yazmin Cruz.
I have cut back on a lot of things in life to save money, but there are some things I simply wouldn’t do to save a few bucks. After reading Bargaineering’s 5 ridiculous ways to save money I was inspired to list the 10 things I won’t do. My list includes three of the writer’s suggestions like stocking up on condiments from restaurants and skipping a shower.
1. I won’t take condiments from restaurants. It’s stealing, enough said.
2. I won’t ask for a cup for water, and then fill up on soda. This is one of my pet peeves. Just pay for the soda if you want to drink the sugary thing!
3. I won’t take toilet paper from hotels or work. It’s just plain cheap. (Like reader Glenn in Vegas.)
4. I won’t give up toilet paper. A few months back, Julia said she was giving up toilet paper for cloth wipes to save money and asked readers if they’d follow suit. I’ll pass. Sorry, BB! I’ve written about saving money during that time of the month with reusable pads, but that’s as far as I’ll go.
5. I won’t avoid flushing the toilet. You’ve heard it before: If it’s yellow, let it mellow… I don’t think so. Sure you can save money by not flushing your toilet after every use, but the smell and awful rust rings are just not worth it. When I tried this experiment I ended up spending my savings on extra strength toilet bowl cleaner and air freshener to mask the smell.
6. I won’t skip tipping. I come from a working class family so I know how important it is to tip those who work as servers. These people usually have the toughest jobs and aren’t well paid. I always leave tips, unless the service is sub par.
7. I won’t shortchange anyone. I’ve been tempted. Recently, I asked readers for their advice when I found out I was undercharged at the dentist. I really wanted to keep the money and add it to my fun budget.
8. I won’t go without showering to save money on water. As a person who rides public transportation I know the importance of having good hygiene. I don’t want to be THAT person that everyone avoids on the bus because of BO. Yuck!
9. I won’t take extra plastic bags from grocery stores to use as trash liners. It’s stealing. Also, grocery stores in L.A. are starting to charge for them. BYOB, I always say.
10. I won’t buy lottery tickets. I mean… what are the chances? I’m more likely to get struck by lightning. I rather save and invest wisely.
Where do you draw the line when it comes to saving money and what extreme frugal tips do you follow?
More from our personal finance friends…
Stop spending a fortune at the grocery store! Wise Bread lists the 25 things you shouldn’t buy at the grocery store to save money.
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I agree with everything you weote as things I won’t do to save money
The only things I disagree with is using cloth toilet paper.(Especially people that are already using cloth pads or diapers,you’re already doing icky laundry!). I’ve actually always wanted to do that. Better for the environment and will save you a lot of money. I think I’d just use it for #1 though.:P And also “If it’s yellow, let it mellow”. I do that a few times a day,and it doesn’t affect my toilet or smell at all. I don’t think I’d do that if I had company though.
I try to save money by doing easy green things. Hanging laundry to dry,showering *quickly*,keeping appliances unplugged when not in use,etc..Anything that is not that hard to accomplish,saves me money and is better for the environment I’ll do.;)
@Jessica P. I may already be doing icky laundry, but it’s my own. If I switched my household to cloth wipes, I’d be doing others’ dirty laundry (I don’t live alone and we share ONE bathroom). No thanks!
Who takes “extra” plastic bags from the grocery store? If you buy groceries, you’re likely getting enough for your trash!
OMG – Why aren’t the other “frugal” writers covering this topic? It’s amazing!!
Stealing is stealing. If you’re that “frugal” that you have to steal, you need professional guidance.
Please add to your list of won’t dos:
Charging my cellphone, tablet, portable dvd player, etc. at work.
Making long-distance/toll calls at work.
Relying on free coffee at work and/or free bagels, etc. for meals.
Using the office bathrooms for as much of your bathroom activity as you can (including, are you ready – holding it in in the morning til you get there).
Spending an inordinate amount of time on the Internet at work. I know we all do it, but not to the point where it interferes with your paying job duties.
Living in the dark to save on electricity.
Keeping the house SO cold it’s a health hazard.
Dumpster diving. I’m sorry, it’s one thing if it’s out on the curb but once it’s in a dumpster, forget it. Eeewww.
Anything upholstered and secondhand (unless it has a known pedigree).
Food trash. See Donna Freedman’s piece on the ice cream sandwiches she found in a bag at the bus stop. Again, I’m sorry. There are too many weirdos out there and I’m not that hungry.
Wasting time and money making “fake” Chinese food and pizza at home.
Wasting time calculating out exactly how much I spent or saved doing something myself (i.e., homemade pizza). See early Get Rich Slowly pieces.
Telling myself I’ve “saved” by shopping at sales. If the $100 boots are reduced to $25 I’m not buying them to “save” $75 – I’m spending $25. Period.
Switching price tags on things in stores.
Driving 40 miles to save eight cents a gallon on gas. A 20-gallon tank saves $1.60. Really….
Hope to see more of your writings!
Brilliant! very funny post!
Would hate to visit someones house who’s to tight to flush the toilet!
The first three are theft, not just the first one. Glad you wouldn’t do those. 😉