I’ve mentioned how living at home is a great way to save, but many of my friends don’t take advantage of this opportunity. I’ve had friends living at home (making double my income) who have fallen into mountains of credit card debt…and this is without ANY bills! Since I’ve saved around $3,000 in the past three months I thought I’d share my tips for
Easy Gardening with AeroGarden: No Need for a Green Thumb
The first time I saw an AeroGarden on an infomercial, I admit I was skeptical. Despite years in high school working at a gorgeous plant nursery, I seem to inevitably kill any plants I take under my care. Undaunted, I always plant a little something every spring and, without exception, all of my gardening experiments have ultimately failed. (My theory is that the children are
Understanding the Importance of Net Worth
Net worth is a topic rarely talked about by savvy shoppers. The truth is that net worth isn’t just a term used by rich people; it is an important topic that is often overlooked by the middle class. Understanding your net worth allows you to gain a better understanding of where you stand financially. Use this quick guide to learn more about the importance of