It can happen so easily. All it takes are some unexpected expenses and/or poor planning – too many meals out, a dental emergency, a new job that requires an upgraded wardrobe – and you find yourself with far more credit card debt than you ever imagined. Or perhaps you’re looking ahead to a life event that is going to cost more than you can save
Set Yourself Free: 4 Ways to Solve Your Debt Problem
Debt puts a strain on your finances and can cut a big chunk out of your monthly budget. Being under the pressures of debt can, at best, put your financial goals behind schedule and, at worst, cripple your ability to provide for yourself. The problem of debt is fairly ubiquitous in this country, with the total combined credit card debt rising to around $900 billion. However,
How the Upromise MasterCard Helps Build Your College Savings
I don’t know about you, but paying for my kids’ college education is the kind of thing that keeps me awake at night. With tuition rates at record high levels, saving enough for even state schools can sometimes feel like mission impossible. So when Upromise reached out to me with information about the Upromise MasterCard, I was excited to learn more. If you’ve made a New
Spending Detox: What to Do When You’ve Spent Too Much
You, like most Americans, probably enjoyed the holidays a bit too extravagantly to the detriment of your bank account. However, you, like most Americans, are not out of the woods yet. The New Year is rife with opportunities for expensive expenditures, like exciting vacations, significant birthdays, family and friend gatherings, and more. Without a spending detox, your rampant splurging will develop into a costly habit
A reader submits her credit card bill for FREE advice!
I’m super excited that the first reader, who I’ll call Joanne, anonymously submitted her credit card bill to receive free, constructive, and supportive advice to reduce her credit card bill! I have nine suggestions for Joanne that will shave hundreds, of not thousands, of dollars off her credit card bill of $4,985.82. My offer still stands for anyone else who wants help lowering their
Watch Out for Credit Card Surchages
Forty U.S. states can now charge you up to 4 percent extra when you pay with a credit card.
The Sexiest Things About Saving Money
What about money turns you on? Here are financial seven things that attracted me to my husband.
Why You Should be Using a Credit Card this Holiday Season
I share 6 reasons to use a credit card to purchase gifts this holiday season.
What are your credit card horror stories?
Credit card tidbits: Stuff you didn’t know
Julia teaches you credit card tidbits in this latest video.
The best way to cut up your credit card
Learn to dispose of credit cards correctly in this video.