Chances are, you have probably sold or purchased something on Craigslist over the last couple of years. I used Craigslist ads hundreds of times to resell unneeded toys, clothing items and even a few pieces of furniture. Lately, though, Craigslist has become harder to use. Spam is rampant, emails sometimes don’t make it to your inbox and the sheer volume of posts means your items don’t
How To Score Freebies From Freecycle and Craigslist
The best things in life are free. And with Freecycle and Craigslist, you can actually score high-quality items for absolutely nothing! We did. And now we’re sharing our results with you. Here are some great items we scored from Freecycle and Craigslist.
How to Sell Stuff on Craigslist
I recently listed my IKEA loft bed frame on Craigslist after I was inspired by reader Christian L. (see comments), who regularly makes money on Craiglist. He’s been very successful at selling items on Craigslist for as low as $1 and as high as $4,000 (In case you’re wondering, it was a car.). Wow! He’s super savvy so I asked him for tips on selling
How to Salvage Old Furniture
How to find, restore, and refinish old wood furniture. It is not as hard as you think!