As Halloween approaches, we start thinking about pumpkin patches, trick-or-treating, “fun size” candy bars and, um, humiliating our pets by dressing them in silly costumes. But what’s really embarrassing is how much some people pay at pet stores for these little strips of fabric that are cheaply sewn together and called “costumes.” Okay, so some of them are really cute. But if you’re on a
Halloween costumes that are easy and cheap!
Halloween costumes ideas – we got 23 easy and fun Halloween costumes that you can pull together before Wednesday.
Halloween: Ways to be Creative and Meaningful
Halloween has become an expensive “holiday” full of contradictory life lessons. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Halloween Decorations on the Cheap
Halloween decorations and costumes don’t have to be expensive! Try these dozen ideas.
Halloween costume contest: Last chance to enter!!!
What should baby Bargain Babe dress up as for Halloween? Submit and idea and win the contest!
47 Halloween costumes to make at home
Halloween costume ideas for 2012, including 47 easy and cheap homemade Halloween costumes.
Halloween costume swaps coming soon
Save money on Halloween costumes by swapping on National Costume Swap Day this year.