Make sure your car insurance doesn’t drain your piggy bank with these money saving tips. Via Shutterstock.
Buying car insurance can be a hassle especially when you want to make sure you get the best deal. While you may just want to get it over with, car insurance is one of the most expensive aspects of owning a car so it’s important to do all you can to get a fair price. These seven secrets to saving on car insurance will get you a great deal with minimal effort.
7 Secrets to Saving On Car Insurance
Multi-Policy Discounts
Many insurers will offer for multi-policy discounts. This includes buying homeowners policy and auto coverage from the same carrier OR insuring all vehicles in your household one policy. You also may be able to snag a discount by insuring all driving-age family members on the same plan.
Compare Auto Insurance Carriers
One of the easiest ways to save on car insurance is by comparing different auto insurance carriers. Auto insurance companies can have BIG discrepancies in pricing. For this reason, it helps to shop around for an insurer. we suggest calling and getting quotes from at least three companies. You can also use websites such as Car Loan Quotes and Compare the Market that will you choose the right auto insurance company for you.
Drive Less (Think Carpooling!)
If your daily commute makes up most of your car mileage carpooling can not only be a great way to save on gas BUT it can also reduce your car insurance payments. By carpooling with three other people with each driving one-week shifts, you’ll cut your mileage by up to 75%. Driving less means you’ll save more on car insurance! Insurers offer pay-as-you go insurance and some insurers will even reduce your premium if you keep your mileage under 6,000 miles a year. Sweet!
Choose Safety Features
If your car is equipped with safety features such as anti-lock breaks, passive restraint systems, blind spot detection (and many more) you can often receive a discount on your insurance. This systems could help save your life in a crash AND can save you money!
Maintain Good Credit
A good credit rating can snag you a lower insurance rate. Insurance providers view good records as having less accidents so now consider your credit score when calculating rates. If your credit has significantly improved since you first got your policy you may want to consider renegotiating for a lower rate!
Are you a good driver? Then you may be able to get a lower premium. When you don’t have accidents or place claims against your policy insurance companies will often reward you with a lower premium.
Increase Your Deductible
If you decrease your deductible by just a few hundred dollars you could save upwards of 15% in collision/comprehensive cost. However, you will want to keep in mind that if you do get in an accident you WILL definitely have to pay more.
If you switch jobs and are commuting less or if you lose your job, contact your insurance company to have the annual mileage adjusted on your policy. Insurance companies base a part of your premium on the number of miles driven. You may get a refund.