A few years ago, I was having sinus infection after sinus infection. I went through 8 rounds of antibiotics in less than one year. I even had an MRI. The doctor said the next step was surgery. Then a mom from my daughter’s kindergarten class told me about an anti-inflammatory shake she drinks every day and how they improved her health.
An anti-inflammatory diet can help with a variety of chronic ailments including sinus infections, digestive disorders, arthritis…even the common cold. Her swamp-colored green shakes looked anything but appetizing, but I was desperate and sick of being sick! The next day, she brought me my very own mossy green thick shake. With a shudder, I drank it and it was delicious! I started making them myself. That was 4 years ago.
I have had zero sinus infections since drinking these shakes.
These days, when I do get sick, it’s for a shorter amount of time. My immune system is undoubtedly stronger. My doctor is amazed. And I owe it to anti-inflammatory fruits and vegetables. There are many different ways to approach an anti-inflammatory diet, but I’m going to share with you what works for me.
For veggies, you need greens. Spinach, kale, or chard. Organic only. Spinach is the mildest in taste. Fresh is best, taste-wise, but you can also use frozen, which makes for a thicker shake. If you’re going to use chard or kale, note that when it comes to taste, they have more “bite.” If you have a high end blender – a VitaMix or Blendtec – you will save time because fresh kale and chard tend to need a bit more power to blend them up well.
But you don’t have to spend a fortune. I love my $14.99 Hamilton Beach single-serve blender. It’s not powerful, but it is just the right size, I can drink right from the blender and, honestly, it’s adorable. Blending frozen fruit and veggies requires me to make the shake the night before in order to allow the frozen fruits to soften. If I use fresh chard or kale, I grind them up first in my Cuisinart.
For fruit, I tend to buy frozen organic blueberries, strawberries or raspberries. I always use a fresh banana, the riper the better. Organic is not necessary because bananas have a thick peel. (Bananas are really sweet, so they’re a must!)
For liquid, I use a milk alternative. Almond milk, soy milk, or whatever you prefer. I have a sweet tooth, so I prefer vanilla and sweetened. I also like to add a little protein powder to ramp it up. Dairy is considered “inflammatory” and should therefore be avoided.
Three anti-inflammatory shake recipes:
- Blend 1 medium banana (the riper the better!), 1/2 c vanilla soy milk, 1 TBSP protein powder, 1/2 cup frozen organic blueberries, 1 1/2-2 cups fresh, organic spinach.
- Blend 1 medium banana, 1/2 c vanilla almond milk, 1 TBSP protein powder, 1/2 cup frozen organic strawberries, 3/4 cup fresh organic spinach, 1/2 cup fresh organic kale.
- Blend 1 medium banana, 1/2 c vanilla hemp milk, 1 TBSP protein powder, 1/2 cup frozen raspberries, 1 1/4 cup fresh organic spinach, 1/4 cup fresh organic chard.
After awhile, you won’t need to measure the ingredients, you’ll just go by what looks right. You can find other recipes online for anti-inflammatory shakes which also explain some of the science behind them, and how you can reduce discomfort and inflammation, which can manifest itself in many different ways.
So what’s this going to cost?
Obviously, you can’t put a price on your health, but that being said, who doesn’t like a savings? This morning I went out and bought all the ingredients I need at Trader Joe’s and calculated the price of an average shake which comes to… about $1.35 per shake. You can probably do even better by buying bulk protein powder, larger containers of soy milk, unbagged spinach, etc. A small Apple ‘n Greens smoothie at Jamba Juice costs $4.25. That means buying them costs an extra $3!
Making your own shakes saves more than $1,000 per year.
If you make one every day instead of buying one, that adds up to a savings of $3 per day, or $21 per week or $91 per month or $1,095 per year.
An added bonus – kids drink these shakes!
You might be able to get your kids to drink up, too! My daughter is the pickiest eater in the world and turns her nose up at anything even resembling a vegetable, but she loves these shakes and enjoys watching me make them. Veggies and all.
I tried telling my client to give up milk and yogurt because of her chronic sinus infection condition, she didn’t want to listen and still suffers from it.
Yes. I find that giving up dairy is the key to getting rid of chronic inflammation. Amazing how people who camp out at the doctor’s office will not even consider changing their lifestyle. They would rather sit around and complain of their misery until, finally, they need a scooter than get up and actually change something in their lives.
I totally agree! Diet is everything and I feel so much better with dairy. Also, we drink celery juice each morning. My bloodwork has improved.
How do you make celery tea?
Hi, I am going to try ur shakes. However, being a sinus infection and all Year allergy suffer. Having had a sinus surgery, and being lactose intolerant (no dairy except butter) lucky me. I still get sinus infections and netipot user daily. Thank u for the information
Is oat drink ok..??
Called oat..kirkland
As long as you are not allergic to gluten, oat milk is fine.
Do you recommend getting rid of all diary products? I suffer with sinus issues and congestion all the time!
My research shows you have to give up all milk and milk products including cheese to lessen sinusitis mucus.
I don’t do Diary that much… I don’t don’t Milk but maybe Three times a month and I might do Ice cream like about twice a week but I still have sinus infection after sinus infection and I have not been able to get this PROBLEM TAKING CARE OF Properly it’s been going on now for 41 years
Lol is your ice cream non dairy? Otherwise you’re having milk twice a week. Other than that look into herbs or an herbalist or functional practitioner to help.
Hi there, look up the medical medium. His name is Anthony William and he has several books on healing every ailment thinkable. I did the heavy metal detox smoothie for about 28 days and I don’t have anymore sinus infections. You can heal!
It’s fairly easy to make your own dairy free alternative “milks”. Mostly it’s a pre soak of whatever base you’re going to use, then a good blend. Just look online for recipes. All the thickeners in the store bought products are bad for your gut health.
In all actuality, most people are unaware that the root of many health issues are parasites as simple as demodex. The industry makes more profit by keeping you in a state of borderline health.
Show her this article! There are so many dairy alternatives these days! Coconut milk yogurt is SO yummy! She owes it to herself to give it a try and see if it makes a difference.
Okay, I will!
yogurt is still a dairy product.
Dairy means animal milk. So coconut milk yogurt is not dairy.
My research on sinusitis nucas says yogurt causes mucus.
Typo..nucas should be mucus. Lol
Yogurt from a dairy source causes mucus. It’s the dairy.
Perfect! I was just thinking about this the other day. I’ve had this on and off again sinus infection for years. And it looks delicious. I’m going to give it a try. Ha Thanks
@Mark Awesome! I’m so glad you’re going to try it out. Will you let us know how it works in a week or two?
Not a fan of soy products. They are not healthy for man nor beast. Stick with almond and or coconut milk.
I was thinking the same thing!
I agree and can’t believe how many people use soy (many people can develop allergy to that) but almod milk… do you check what’s in it? I don’t drink almond milk but read an article saying there are barely almonds used so why drink something artificial.
MALK is the best brand for nondairy milk. Organic, and only nuts, water in their original flavor.
Why use banana…..it is a source of forming mucus…check it out….like potatoes …..and the rest.
Where did you hear that? You can’t believe everything you read. I don’t think bananas are mucous forming.
Bananas are considered mucus forming in ayurveda. They are good for you but if you suffer from excess mucus, it is a good idea to avoid them.
My research lists banana as a mucus maker and is on the list of foods to stay from.
stay away from.
I find when I get a sinus infection EVERYTHING is mucus forming. Bananas are a good source of potassium but if you don’t like them add strawberries.
Why not make your yogurt from cashews or almonds?? With the instant pot you can do great things. Making your own almond milk is WAY better than store bought. And it’s easy. Soak raw almonds on pure water overnight, drain, then add more pure water and buzz till you get it! Strain and chill. Add a small amount of vanilla and 😉
What does the protein powder have to do with sinus? I already get plenty of protein, can i leave that ingredient out and still get the desired effects of the shakes?
You don’t need the protein powder
Probably. I think it’s the dark green leafy veggies and the antioxidant fruits like blueberries that make this shake a powerhouse. The protein powder is often used for flavor and for those of us who don’t get as much protein. I wrote this post 2 years ago and I have not had a sinus infection since!
Thanks for posting this, Rachelle. I know about smoothies, but haven’t really gotten used to eating them often. Another thing you can do for winter is to blend up one lemon (or just the juice), a cup of pineapple chunks-frozen-or a cup of pineapple juice, some turmeric and ginger root (pieces or powder is okay…I like to buy the turmeric and ginger roots, slice them, and freeze for smoothies later). Blend that up with honey for sweetness and it will help cure any kind of cold weather bug. The turmeric is super anti-inflammatory!
Turmeric can cause indigestion. Resource it if you’re on medications.
Wow…I am throwing everything but the kitchen sink at my chronic sinusitis, so I have a little hope now! Good for you!?
Rinsing nasal passage with saline solution also helps with mucous drainage if done daily. Himalayan salt in sterile water can be made at home and even used for children.
Do you drink everyday?
I think the banana is used because it is so sweet and cuts the taste of some of the leafy veggies (especially if you are using chard). When I have made the shakes without the banana, they are harder to drink! You could probably use another fruit, though. I will have to research bananas and mucus. I didn’t have a problem with them causing mucus.
I have made veg and fruit drinks. I had a magic bullet (notice I said had) and I would put kale, spinach,1/2 an apple , 1/2 an avocado, a banana, frozen blueberries, frozen raspberries and frozem strawberries, a hand full of almonds. a tblsp of flax seed, some yogurt and some apple juice or water or both. Grind it all up and get ready for brain freeze. It was great and yummy. Basically I would put almost any kind of fruit or veg I could fit into the bullet. And as to my infected sinuses, I would mix salt and water into a squeeze bottle I bought at a pharmacy for the purpose of spraying this mixture up my nose and up into my sinuses. It worked very well.
Why don’t you have/use your magic bullet anymore?
Thank you for sharing this information. I make one of these every morning before school. They have kept me healthy.
I have never been so sick than I have in the past year since my twin girls were born. You’ve inspired me to break out our vitamix and start making smoothies again! Thanks for the great read.
Dairy alone could cause sinus problems. Most doctors always look to treat but not to cure and almost never to find the cause. Cow’s milk is only meant for baby cows, it’s mother’s milk. It should only given to babies when the mother cannot breastfeed. I am so thankful that breastfeeding has finally become “popular”and children are being fed properly as a result.
I had a similar experience, not only with sinus issues but also because of chronic kidney infections as a result of an obscure birth defect. They kept handing me antibiotics like they were candy until my immune system was shot.
It was about that time that cranberry pills had come on the market. I knew drinking it was the best thing for me but honestly I couldn’t stomach it any more. I started taking the pills regularly and the kidney infections stopped… Along with my chronic bronchitis and a number of other things.
My immune system finally began to repair itself and I’ll be honest, that part took years. Where I used to take antibiotics 5 times a year, I now take them once every 5 years and only when absolutely necessary. Now I look to diet, homeopathic remedies and essential oils for regular ailments and only take prescriptions for things I can’t treat myself.
I read an article about a doctor who did a study and found that people with peanut allergies were heavily dosed with antibiotics as children, most likely wiping out the necessary bacteria we need to function properly.
It’s funny, processed foods have only been around since the 1950’s and look at what they have done to the health of the population at large. I call us the Pop Tart generation (nothing against Pop Tarts, they’re tasty). They were the first food that I remember as a kid boasting that it was “fortified” with 8 vitamins and minerals. That number would later be changed to 16 and I still kept asking, if it’s food then why does it have to be fortified??
As a nation our diets are appalling, people don’t know how to cook any more than reading the directions on a bag or box, if they are even willing to do that at all. I know a grown man who can’t fix anything other than a frozen burrito, a grilled cheese or. Pb&j and he has two children! Nothing reinforces the notion that people don’t cook any more clearly than when they call for snow and the local grocery store instantly resembles the Filene’s Basement annual bridal sale of days gone by, then transform into an empty ghost town. And for those of us who do care about what we consume we’re touted jokingly as being mentally ill as they categorize us as “health nuts”. People need to wake up, human bodies were not designed to eat from boxes, freezer bags, cans and cheap drive thrus. Kudos to you for getting the word out to spread some dietary sanity.
I agree, especially your remark about being given huge amounts of antibiotics as a child as I was also given since age 4. Now I have autoimmune disease as type 2 diabetes and psoriasis. My Dr decided to take me off Janumet 50/500 as it was destroying my kidneys and liver. I switched to real foods, tumeric, flaxseed oil, probiotics, coconut oil both capsule and the organic in the tub which I use on my psoriasis and hair as well as cooking. All my labs are back to normal for the most part, but still not loosing weight as I should due to physical handicaps, but as soon as my pool is finished I will be in that sucker 3times a day! I’m going to try your recommendations on the shakes and see if it helps my forever sinus problem. Thanks for sharing this valuable information with the public, I’ll pass it on as well. Sincerely Jeanna
Jeanna, you are an inspiration! Blast your body with dark greens and antioxidant fruits – they will boost your immune system for sure. I love the changes you have made so far!
I have all that as well. Have u done the smoothies and does it help?
Wahls Protical is a book for all of us. Bananas are bad for diabetics. I’m really glad for this post as I suffer from sinus ssd itus and ear problems. I find organic food is above my price range so I do what I can. I noticed my son had kale in his garden, I may have to do a night raid. ?
Where I live, we don’t get blueberries that often and strawberries are available only during the winter months. Can you suggest a substitute to them? The fruits readily available out here are apples, pineapples, bananas, pomegranate, oranges, pears, guavas, muskmelons, watermelons.
Do you have access to frozen fruit? That’s what I use year-round. Pomegranates are full of antioxidants, but I don’t think they would do so well in a smoothie. (Unless maybe if you have a high-powered blender, like a Vitamix. Even then, I’m not so sure it would work.) But if you can get reasonably priced pomegranate juice, that would be worthwhile. And I would definitely try the oranges and pineapple. Those are definitely considered anti-inflammatory.
What kind of sinus infections did you have? My doctor diagnosed me with an incurable infection called Non-allergic Chronic Rhinitis. Basically, three doctors couldn’t find a reason or a cure for my constant post-nasal drip, congestion, hacking up of mucus, and food occasionally being in my nose… I blew my nose, and the food I ate seconds ago came out… It’s awkward when jerky and rice flies into your tissue.
The coconut milk yogurt I buy is non-dairy.
Coconut milk is non-dairy. It is not really milk. It is just the name given to the liquid obtained from the white inside layer of the coconut when it is blended or grated. This liquid is white and referred to as milk.
Yes, but don’t let it freeze in your car. I bought coconut mild yogurt, let it freeze in the car (accidentally) and it tasted like sponge later when I went to eat it. At least I HOPE that was why it tasted like sponge. I prefer soy yogurt and soy is good for older women.
I gave up gluten and my life has changed from being sick all the time
If.you have any sort of yeast infection, it will double the pain in your sinuses.
Drink this tea before breakfast and the last thing at night:
1 crushed garlic
1 shredded fresh ginger (use grater to produce 1 tablespoon)
A sprinkle of Cheyenne pepper
Bring water to boil and pour into cup. Let steep for 3 minutes.
This along with taking Claritin and your med’s from your physician will greatly reduce facial/sinus pain. Prepare this tea all year long. Your body and face (sinus) will thank you for it.
I have Allergic Rinitis and mold infection. I recommend this tea you’re mentioning as it helped me a lot. Due to my mold infection I had to change my diet and I’m progressing health wise.
For the above; I forgot to mention that after steeping, to top it off with some cool or cold water and to drink it down without chewing. This is very important.
Also, you can add 1 teaspoon of REAL honey for taste. The plastic bear shaped bottles do not contain real honey. Read the label and make sure the honey comes from a LOCAL honey farm.
I do not add honey because I am always fighting yeasts, so you can add Stevia (I use Truvia) to your drink.
I just started automating breakfast and lunch when I was working. Yogurt and berries for breakfast and taking a probiotic. Salads for lunch that I make of dark greens, nuts, dried fruit, veggies and simple dressings.
I just quit getting the ‘whatever was going thru the office’ illness. That also meant it didn’t come home and infect the whole family either!!
Now retired I still do this. I want to do other things during the day other than cook!
ATM I’m suffering from a sinus infection. My cheeks hurts every time I wake up in the morning and I can hardly smell anything. Will drinking this 3 times a day help?
It certainly can’t hurt! Are you rinsing, with a netipot or Neilmed bottle? That’s very helpful, in my experience. Hope you’re on the mend!
Xlear nasel spray containing the healer xylitol is attested to by many sufferers who even claimed that using this 3X a day and a mucus diet healed their sinuses.
ATM I’m suffering from a sinus infection. My cheeks hurts every time I wake up in the morning and I can hardly smell anything. Will drinking this 3 times a day help?
I have read through other blogs, but they are cumbersome and confusing more than your post. I hope you continue to have such quality articles to share with everyone! I believe a lot of people will be like to read this article!
Do you remember if your sinus infections were bacterial or fungal? I’m fighting a chronic fungal sinus infection for 6 months now and my doctor tells me surgery is my only option….I’m scrambling for alternatives before we set a surgery date. Thanks!
Lindsey, I believe my infections were bacterial not fungal. But I know people who have had problems with yeast and mold and were successfully treated by holistic doctor. This may be something to research.
We have also had mold issues…where do I find a holistic doctor???
I change my diet and I’m seeing progress. Mold infection is not easy to cure. Mines made my allergic Rinitis worsen and my ears suffer a lot from infections. 4 years going to Ent doctors and no treatment helped. Antibiotic and nothing. Recently a holistic doctor change my diet and progress is seen. Drink the tea posted above and eat as commented by others and you will be fine.
I’m so frustrated. Having researched sinus infections and how to get rid of them, I read contradictory advice all over the place. I had several MRI’s which are poison and they put me on antibiotics for THREE WEEKS!! I never take them and I was an idiot to give in to family pressure when I did. Now I have a voice problem and one vocal cord has moved. I cannot taste or smell. HELP! I don’t want any more tests or doctors making me sicker! Thank you for your smoothie advice. I’m going to make one right now!! God bless you!
Where do you live? You absolutely should see a holistic doctor for mold issues.
What do you use instead of bananas- I’M allergic to them
Cathy, Did anyone ever answer your question or did you try this without the bananas? I don’t like mashed bananas and I want to know too if it can be made without bananas.
Avocado and mango are both great substitutes for banana.
Mine were allergies and I have been doing it for a while now down to once a month, which some people never make it. I had broncitus twice, sinus infection and walking phenomia (sp) all in a row and that was when they sent me to the allergy doctor. Haven’t had any since.
I stay congested recently cut out all junk food and surgery drinks and gluten free but my sinus are going nuts I will definitely be trying this everyday now thank u
Long comment, sorry.
Diet is essential to stop the inflammation. Sugar and gluten generally are terrible for the body, “Grain Brain” by Pearmutter is an excellent reference.
However, what if you need relief immediately?
This common sense approach has kept me sickness free for 15 years.
First hit the gym. I like elliptical machines because of the low impact and overall workout. But here’s the best part: Increasing your heart rate helps circulation, but RESPIRATION causes you to use ALL OF YOUR LUNG CAPACITY. It clears out all the gunk that settles in there. You’ll cough a lot at first, but once the airway is clear there won’t be anyplace for the germs to hide.
I used to have bronchitis so bad that it would last the entire winter. Now, not only don’t I get sick, but I don’t cough.
I also have allergies, and on to the swollen sinuses…
Most gyms have heat. Steam rooms are great, but a dry sauna will do you better overall. See Rhonda Patrick on foundmyfitness.com for a better understanding. Heat will work your sinuses, bring a handkerchief because you’ll be blowing your nose a lot the first few times.
160 F. is about normal.
Antibiotics ONLY WORK WHERE THEY CAN GET TO, and mucus membranes aren’t very accessible to blood flow. Besides, anti-antibiotics have been over used and most bacteria is resistant to them. Even Z-Pacs are beginning to have trouble. Plus, they’re indiscriminate. Any bacteria dies, and that means your gut and biome. You are now worse off and it didn’t even get to the intended target.
I noticed my bronchitis would not go away after serious antibiotics, and when they did it would come back as soon as the series was complete. Heat cleared out all that sneaky snot hiding in closed sinuses.
Cardiovascular exercise will clear out your lungs.
Heat will open up your sinuses
Antibiotics should only be used when absolutely necessary.
Go garlic, elephant that is. Gently fried until softened and golden brown. A clove a day keeps the doctor away and clears rooms too after first use (lol, toot-toot), so you get the best of both worlds with garlic.
Great hearing that this helped you getting your sinus cured by this simple recipe. I would definitely suggest others for this recipe to try.
Not if the woman is a cancer survivor.
How do I get rid of my sinuses
OLIVE OIL EVERYONE! I eat about 4 tablespoons a day or more, its the cure for everything. Start with resetting your gut and your ailments will all improve.
What is “HOW I GOT RID OF MY SINUS INFECTIONS FOR GOOD”???????? , your sinus infections ????? !!!!!!???
please explain mam, thank you !!
Thanks for finally talking about > How I Got Rid of My Sinus Infections for Good < Liked it!
MMS. Please read MMS Health Recovery Guidebook by Jim Humble
I wrote this article in 2014 and I have not had a sinus infection since!
useful article, thanks!
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To reduce the risk of a sinus infection and minimize the dangers, it is recommended to practice good hand hygiene, avoid close contact with people who have symptoms of an infection, and see a doctor if an infection is suspected for appropriate treatment and advice.
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