What gift has disappointed you? Via Shutterstock
Time Moneyland shares presents you should never give. This got me thinking of the handful of bad gifts I’ve received and tips to help you get the perfect last minute gifts. I share my tips below.
But first, let me share with you the worst holiday gift I’ve ever received. Two years ago, I received a trash can for Christmas. I guess it’s better than coal, right? I still don’t understand why someone would think I’d like a trash can. Nonetheless, the trash can is in my bathroom and a thank you note was sent to the person. The can is stainless steel and stands out like a sore thumb because it doesn’t fit my bathroom decor. I can’t be the only one who has received a bad gift. Share yours in the comments!
Still need to find a last minute gift? Here’s how to insure you get the perfect gift for a friend or loved one.
1. Talk it out. Knowing peoples likes and dislikes helps! If you’re gifting food, make sure you’re aware of any food allergies. I once received a food basket full of pork products. Yikes! I always have a bad reaction when I eat pork so it went to a local shelter.
2. Ask for a wishlist. Knowing exactly what the recipient wants can make things less stressful. Buy a gift that’s in your budget, not theirs. If you’ve been asked to share your wishlist, make sure to include items of all price ranges.
3. Become a digital detective. If you’re allowed on a friends’ laptop, their browser history can give you clues as to what they want. You can easily find what they’ve been eying online. Just make sure the item is intended for them and not others.
4. It’s not about you. Make sure the gift you’re giving is something the recipient will like. The Time Moneyland story groups the bad gifts into six categorize: The All About Me Gift, The Obvious Regift, The Statement Gift, The Well-Meant Misfire, The Passive-Aggressive Gift, and The Non-Gift. Watch out if you’re giving any of these gifts out this year! My least favorite gift is the gift that is all about the giver. You know the one I’m talking about — the one where you get items from their favorite sports team.
What’s the worst gift you’ve ever received?
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I’ve always given relatives a list of what my kids like and don’t like as early as July. Un-like a Demand, I’ve made suggestions. So far (30 years later), there has been no embarrassing gifts exchanged. In return, I’ve requested what their children (and adults) would like to see inside the wrapping. I Love the Holidays. Merry Christmas to All.
Worst gift ever was a used toothbrush during a fifth grade gift exchange. The teacher said it could be a gag gift and the student took it literally. It’s been more than 30 years since then and it’s still the worst. It did turn me into a pretty good giver, though 🙂
my husband once gave me cow patties for a gift.
another time he gave me dead flowers on mother’s day…
& unfortunately, that’s not the whole list of bad gifts he’s given me….
@Naomi ~ Umm–are you still married to him? Is he a practical joker with a bit of a warped sense of humor?
@Naomi Why cow patties? Was it an inside joke or just a WTF?!
I got a scratched 45 record one Christmas (1968?). This land is your land, this land is my land From California to the New Yuh-Yuh-New-Yuh-Yuh- New Yuh-Yuh-New-Yuh-Yuh. Made my mom mad at her sister for a while.
@Lisa LOL Your comment made my day. So funny!
@ Lisa and @ Jennifer ~ Thanks for the laughter.
a diet scale when i was abt 13. i was normal height and wt. just plain mean gift
@kisa That is mean. Did you give a mean gift back?