When you receive your first student loan bill, it’s a serious wake-up call to adulthood. You’ll likely need to rein in spending and adopt more frugal habits in order to pay off your student loan debt. Here’s how: Try the 50/30/20 budget Start your budget off with the 50/30/20 rule for your after-tax income — 50% for necessities, 30% on wants, and 20% on
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Reducing Your Monthly Expenses: Three New Websites that Can Help
Yesterday I spent an hour on the phone negotiating my monthly bill with my wireless provider. It was a long, tedious hour, but I can’t argue with the results: I’m going to be saving $600 per year. Now I feel dumb for not doing it sooner. I love a great sale or coupon stack as much as the next person, but it stands to reason
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8 Ways to Keep Your New Year Goals
I share 8 ways to keep your financial goals this year. https://bargainbabe.com
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