When you receive your first student loan bill, it’s a serious wake-up call to adulthood. You’ll likely need to rein in spending and adopt more frugal habits in order to pay off your student loan debt. Here’s how: Try the 50/30/20 budget Start your budget off with the 50/30/20 rule for your after-tax income — 50% for necessities, 30% on wants, and 20% on
DIY Video: Making Cinder Block Planters
We love cheap cinder blocks here at BargainBabe.com because they’re great for DIY projects! You may recall that BB redecorated her home on the cheap using the blocks a few years ago. So when I found this video from ThriftyFun on how to make your own cinder block planters, I couldn’t wait to share it with you. This do it yourself project is not only
21 signs you were raised by frugal parents
I share 22 signs to know you where raised by frugal parents. http://www.bargainbabe.com
Stain removal guide
Save money on laundry and clothes with my stain removal guide. http://www.bargainbabe.com
Preparing for the Holiday Season
Advance planning is a great way to stay on budget during the Christmas holidays. http://www.bargainbabe.com