Omega’s Nutrition Systems are “masticating-style” juice extractors and more! A masticating juicer juices at low speeds of 80 RPM minimizing heat build-up and oxidation. The auger system forces produce into a tight chamber, grinding and pressing the food to squeeze out the juice from items as fine as wheatgrass and leafy vegetables. Enjoy creating new recipes every day with your Omega Nutrition System Juicer! Click here for the Omega NC1000HDS Juicer Extractor Nutrition System Creates Fruit Vegetable and Wheatgrass Juice Slow Masticating BPA-FREE with Quiet Motor and Reverse Easy to Clean, 200-Watt, Silver, only $229.99 today.
- INDUSTRY LEADING 15-YEAR Coverage on parts and performance
- HEALTHY AND DELICIOUS JUICES Extracts the maximum amount of nutrients vitamins taste and juice from minimum amounts of fruits vegetables leafy greens and wheatgrass
- BOOST YOUR IMMUNITY – Cold press juicing is one of the most effective ways to easily access nutritious enzymes and antioxidants that boost immunity and enhance overall health.
- LONGER LASTING JUICES – Using a low speed of 80 RPMs results in minimal heat buildup and oxidation promoting healthy enzymes
- NUTRITION SYSTEM – Extrude pasta grind coffee and spices turn nuts into nut butter make baby food and frozen desserts mince herbs and garlic and whip up soy milk in a flash
- HIGHLIGHTS – The adjustable end cap has 5-settings for maximum juice output and extraction Enjoy continuous juicing with automatic pulp ejection
- EXCLUSIVE – Dual Stage masticating extraction
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