Have you heard the Thrift Shop song? It’s quite catchy. My sister made me listen to this song a few days ago because she said it reminded her of me. I’m always telling her that I have been thrifting even before it was cool. Mom always used to drag me to thrift shops. I love it now — It beats paying retail price!
The original song is by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, but I found the version above on YouTube and like it much better. Skip the YouTube ad and give it a listen! Then let me know what you think of the song.
You have to be open to anything at a thrift shop. You never know what terrific bargain you may find that wasn’t on your list but still totally worth buying. So while I always shop with a list, I browse the hat section (I’m a hat addict), take a peek at the shoes (even though Bobbi warmed me against buying used shoes http://bargainbabe.com/2010/04/26/used-shoes-to-buy-or-not-to-buy/), and admire the jewelry.
This time of year, I’d look for a warm sweater. We still have another month or two of winter to go!
Oh, this could be such a fun song without the language. :o( I had to look up the lyrics to understand it all but the language takes away a lot of the fun for me. Otherwise, it would be so fun.
@Jen Y You probably found the lyrics to the original song, which is a rap song. That one has lots of swear words. The version above is a cover, but they turned it classy… as much as possible.
I totally agree with Jen Y. The language is not necessary and words are difficult to understnd. BUT I LOVE thrifting, I need a 12 step program but when I found a beautiful formal dress for my daughter for $1.49, I was MOM of the Year!!
@Julie B What a great find! A 12 step program? To quit thrifting?! Never!!!
@Yazmin ~ Were you asking Julie B what such a program would consist of if she created it?
@Diane If I’m not mistaken a 12 step program already exists. I was just being dramatic!
I tried to comment on Youtube asking for the lyrics as sung in the video above but YouTube wouldn’t let me. GRRRRRR!