Want to reduce your credit card bill? We can help! Via Shutterstock.
Well here’s your chance! I’m calling on readers to share their credit card bills. This offer is open to ANYONE who wants to receive free, supportive, and constructive feedback on how you can reduce expenses. I don’t want to know who you are, so redact all sensitive information on your bill before sending to me.
Here’s how to get FREE feedback on cutting your credit card bill.
1. Grab a recent credit card bill or print it out online. With a black sharpie, cross out all sensitive information, including your name, address, credit card number, and anything else you don’t want to share. All I need to see is the charges.
2. Scan your bill and email it to julia at bargainbabe dot com. You can even create a separate email address to email me your scanned credit card bill so I will have no idea who it is coming from!
3. Or snail mail it to me:
PO BOX 103
Newport, RI 02840
Whether you are deep in credit card debt, or just want another set of eyes to find ways to trim your expenses, I can help. I’m an expert in everyday savings advice and having been helping readers save thousands for more than six years. With my advice, one reader bought her home in cash!
DIsclosure: I am not a CPA and have no formal training in saving money. I use common sense and frugal skills learned over a lifetime to save 26% of my income each year.
Already have one credit card bill to examine! Thanks to the anonymous reader who submitted it. Stay tuned…