I saw a ton of easy Halloween costumes over the weekend and wanted to share these photos. Perhaps they will give you an idea of what to dress up as on Halloween!

The Black Swan: makeup, a black tutu or leotard or camisole, black slippers and black ribbon are all that’s needed.

A mouse and her trap! All you need is cardboard, duct tape, a black outfit, and a little makeup. Easy!
- A fun and easy group costume. All you need are solid color outfits, plus matching colored baseball caps that you can attach ears and eyes to.
- All that’s required for this Dia de los Muertos costume is face paint!
- Of the three peacock costumes I saw, this was the best. All you need is a bit of felt!
- A mullet wig and mustache make this white trash costume a hit!
- Dress in red and black to be a vampire. Lace bodice and cape a bonus!
- Got a volleyball handy? Put on sporty clothes and you’re set.
- Procure a witches hat, paint your nails black, and apply dark lipstick.
- A homemade shield adds flair to this sexy viking costume.
- Got a sailor’s hat and a pipe? You’re set.
- No hands! A cardboard box, duct tape, and an extra pair of jeans and sneakers are all that’s required for this roller coaster costume.
- A sideview helps understand how to make a roller coaster costume.
- A Pinterest board and clown referee are topical costumes that are easy to put together!
- Another fun and clever costume – bank robber and money bag!
- Inspector Gadget! A very easy costume to make. You’ll need an overcoat, a pair of brown cloves, lengths of pipe/cardboard/wood and some duct tape.
- Got hunting clothes and a bow? How about a brown outfit and a brown hat you can add eyes and ears to? This may not be visible, but the bear has part of an arrow sticking out of its head.
- Grab a red cape, dress in red, and fashion a wand and pointy ears. You’re a devil!
- Reuse your Octoberfest leiderhosen!!!
- Frightful fun! A pink cowgirl and monster are a sexy and scary combination.
- 23 more pumpkin carving ideas for Halloween
- 12 more pumpkin carving ideas for Halloween
- Another 19 unique pumpkin carving ideas here
- 47 easy Halloween costumes you can make at home
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