a recent photo of baby Lucy!
Last year I was preggo, this time the annual Halloween costume contest is for what my baby Lucy should be!
To recap the rules, you all suggest clever and frugal (of course) costumes. The most bizarre and fun costume is what I’ll dress Lucy up as! With pictures, OF COURSE! Lucy will be nine months on Halloween, if that helps you brainstorm an idea. The contest ends October 24, 2012, which gives me a week to pull the costume together.
You can suggest anything, but I already have a few costume items that you might want to incorporate. It’s up to you.
- Matching top and pants that are red with big black polka dots
- Small yellow, fuzzy basket with the face of a baby chick on it
- Purple and white tutu
- Pink ballet slippers with matching tutu
I’m going to have to hit a lot of Halloween parties so I can dress her up in multiple costumes! This is probably the only year where I’LL GET TO DECIDE WHAT SHE’LL BE!
Results of previous contests:
- 2011 – I used my pregnant belly to dress up as a dude with a beer belly
- 2010 – I dressed up in this Halloween costume contest and I also dressed up as a vending machine costume
- 2009 – The winning Halloween costume contest was sexy librarian! But here’s what happened.
Scarecrow: Use an old flannel shirt with holes in it, old ragged jeans, and a straw hat, and then tie or stitch a bit of decorative straw-colored raffia to the shirt and pants openings.
Mummy: Attach ragged strips of cloth ripped from an old white sheet to a white T-shirt and pants. Or wrap the child lightly in surgical gauze if you find some on sale or at the dollar store.
what is the prize?
@Anne Bragging rights, of course!
Love that photo of precious Lucy! At the moment, she’s looking a bit like both of you!
Oooh… Maybe use these items from your list:
Small yellow, fuzzy basket with the face of a baby chick on it
Purple and white tutu
Pink ballet slippers with matching tutu
And dress her up as a cute little Easter Bunny for Halloween 🙂 The outfit part could easily be a fuzzy fleece pajama set, and it’s not too difficult to sew a bonnet with bunny ears (or use a hat that stays on and add ears to that!)
Borrowing from Michele Simon’s idea from last year, you and your husband could be the pregnant nun and priest, respectively, and you could dress Lucy in a cute devil costume.
@Diane I LOVE that idea. That would be too funny and sooooo cute. Plus, there are a lot of devil hats to buy for very cheap, and Lucy already has red pants and a top to match.
For one of our neighborhood Halloween kids’ parades, a couple dressed as chefs and dressed their wee one as a little lobster, which they carried in an outsized cooking pot! It was absolutely adorable, simple to do, and won a prize! Plus they didn’t have to worry about the wee one crawling all over the place! Another family dressed as pirates… very cute.