The award-winning show Seinfield is used in classes to teach students about money and economics. Featureflash / Shutterstock.com
Are you a Seinfield aficionado? I’m late to the party, but I’ve recently started watching episodes online. I’m learning about economics. I recently stumbled on a story from USA Today about university professors using pop culture to teach the subject. The comparison makes students grasp complex business concepts more easily.
What have you learned from pop culture?
I’ve always found economics to be confusing and intimidating, yet pride myself on being a savvy spender. Watching Seinfield has made it easier for me to understand economics because it’s relatable and fun. USA Today reported that professors are using everything from rock music to game shows like Donald Trump’s “The Apprentice” to teach the material.
The story made me aware of a website — The Economics of Seinfeld — that posts clips and explanations of how economic concepts relate to what Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer are up to in their daily lives. Watch the video below to learn whether Jerry decides to steal his cable after making a cost-benefit analysis. Get the economic explanation of this episode at yadayadayadaecon.com
You may recall that this is not the first time I point to TV as a medium to learn about money and living frugally. In the past, I’ve shared money-saving tips I’ve learned from watching 2 Broke Girls and I even put a guide to frugal living TV shows together. Sounds like I spend all my time watching TV, but trust me I don’t.
I’m curious to learn what you think of professors using pop culture to teach students. Is this the dumbing down of a generation? Or, is it just a new path to enlighten young minds about economics?
What shows do you watch that have taught you about economics or living frugally?
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Dr Oz, he gives medical/beauty tips all the time, as well as food/etc. I have tried some of the facial tips, and they seem to work.
@di Dr. Oz seems to recommend a new product or supplement every week! I can’t help but be suspicious he is receiving a fee to do so. Seems like endorsements to me, and that’s not something doctors should do, in my opinion.
@Bargain Babe Dr. Oz was on the Today Show this morning explaining he does not endorse products and speaking out against companies that are using his name illegally to profit. He’s going to tackle this issue further on his show today if you’re interested… just saw the commercial.
@Yazmin That’s good to hear. Dr. Oz writes a column for TIME, which we get, so it struck me as really bizarre that he was constantly endorsing supplements on Facebook and stuff. Maybe those ads were fake!
That website is hilarious! Thanks for the link.
@Jenny @ Frugal Guru Guide Glad you liked the site!