One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to start avoiding processed foods and products, like lotions and eye make-up removers. I am going back to basics and sticking with what’s simple and pure – to benefit my health and my wallet. Which is why I’ve been buying a ton of olive oil.
Olive oil is great for cooking, but it has many other household uses, too. In fact, celebrities swear by olive oil as a “secret beauty product.”
14 unusual uses for olive oil.
- Avoid harsh chemicals buy making your own wood furniture and floor polish using olive oil, vinegar and essential oils with this recipe by doTERRA blog.
- Add to your moisturizer for extra skin-conditioning. Many people use it directly on their skin because it absorbs so quickly, but I like to mix a few drops into my body lotion for those extra dry winter months. My skin is super-sensitive and I’ve never had a reaction to it.
- Mix with honey and oats and use as a facial scrub with this recipe by Dabbles and Babbles.
- Got kids? Use olive oil to remove non-washable paint from hair. Simply dip a small amount on a cotton ball and gently rub the paint off.
- Olive oil will also remove paint from skin. Rub the oil on your skin, let soak for a few minutes, then wash with soap and water.
- Use as eye make-up remover. Simply take a cotton ball and dip. Olive oil is cheaper than whatever store brand you’re buying now.
- Forget WD40 – use olive oil to quiet that squeaky door. It’s cheaper and you’ll avoid harsh and smelly chemicals.
- Use as a natural cuticle moisturizer. For easy application, consider pouring in a small bottle with an eyedropper – you can find these at Whole Foods.
- Why use expensive bath oils? A few TBSPs of olive oil works just as well and will make your skin feel super soft.
- Ran out of diaper cream? Try a little olive oil to soothe diaper rash. It’s safe, natural and free of irritants.
- Out of Goo Gone? Try a little olive oil to remove sticker residue. Dap the oil on the sticker, let set for a few minutes, and rub off.
- Use in place of shaving gel when shaving your legs – your skin will be left extra-moisturized by this natural lubricant. Simply slather on your legs and shave.
- Don’t spend money on a hot oil treatment – use olive oil instead. Heat up a few TBSPs, massage into hair, then put a plastic shower cap on your head for a half hour. But a little goes a long way – don’t use so much that your hair is left greasy!
- A dab of olive oil makes for a great shoe shine. Buff your shoes with a cloth lightly dipped in olive oil. You’ll be thankful to avoid the harsh chemicals and strong smell of commercial shoe polishes.
- Use in place of corn, canola or vegetable oil when baking! Trust us on this!
I coat my breast pump flanges in olive oil sometimes. It keeps them lubricated so I don’t get sore cracked nipples . It natural and safe for baby. (Full diclosure, most of the time I use coconut oil, as it smells wonderful and is equally as good. )