Decorating and dyeing Easter eggs is a wonderful frugal activity. For about $4-$7 you can buy dye, a dozen or more eggs that you are going to eat anyway, and create family memories.
A Dozen Activities to Make a Meaningful Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is right around the corner. The following free games, activities, and crafts will create a special day.
5 Things My Kids Have Cost Me
I’ll be honest, I don’t have the easiest kids. My sister has been known to say, “God made them cute so we won’t kill them.” Which is certainly true in my case, though they may kill each other first. While I suspect that they do (secretly) love each other, and of course I love and adore them, parenting, from my perspective, is not for the
DIY Video: Making Cinder Block Planters
We love cheap cinder blocks here at because they’re great for DIY projects! You may recall that BB redecorated her home on the cheap using the blocks a few years ago. So when I found this video from ThriftyFun on how to make your own cinder block planters, I couldn’t wait to share it with you. This do it yourself project is not only
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving from the entire team!
Preparing for the Holiday Season
Advance planning is a great way to stay on budget during the Christmas holidays.