My dad and I recently bought car tires (best deals on car tires below) for the car we share. We shopped around before settling on purchasing brand spanking new tires. It was my first car-related purchase as a new driver, and it quickly made me realize how expensive cars are. According to Modern Tire Dealer, a trade publication, the average price of a passenger tire
DIY Cheap Car Repairs: I Saved $400!
My father has one rule about car repairs that’s always saved him BIG money over the years. He repairs his car himself. He’s all about cheap car maintenance! Since I’m now on the road, he took it upon himself to show me how to perform car maintenance tasks that can easily be accomplished. I was dreading the lesson until I crunched the numbers and realized
9 ways to avoid getting ripped off on car repairs
I share 9 tips to avoid overspending on car repairs by learning how to tell if you’re being taken for a ride.